2016 Indiana DNR Lake Permit
The weather and my schedule still aren't cooperating so that I can get out on the water, but while thinking about paddling I remembered something that I should have included in my paddling gift guide: The 20016 Indiana DNR Lake Permit.
The Indiana DNR non-motorized watercraft permit is required for all private NON-MOTORIZED watercraft using state park, reservoir or forestry lakes. Permits are available at the individual state parks, but I have seen web posts and the DNR web site indicating that they are not always available year-round at the properties.
The permit is $5, and is valid from January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016. Now is a good time to order so that you have it when you need it.
They can be purchased online here. More information about the permit requirements is available here
Water Levels If you're looking for information on how flooded your favorite waterway is, or if there's enough water to paddle once it all goes back down, central Indiana river gauges are online here.
And you can sign up for email or text alerts on water levels here