Indiana NWTF Turkey Tip – Don't Mow Until July 15th
NWTF Indiana – Turkey Tips: Wild turkey hens often nest along the edge of grassy fields. While the hen is setting on the nest, she is relying on the thick cover to hide her and her brood from predators like dogs, coyotes, hawks, owls, feral cats, raccoons, and more. Mowing before the turkey poults are strong enough to fly will make it easier for predators to flush them out into the open. The rule of thumb is to not mow from April 15th thru July 15th. If mowing is a must, use a flushing bar to lessen the chance of killing a nesting turkey hen or other ground-nesting birds such as quail and pheasants.
Here’s another tip: Join the NWTF and support your local chapter. Many chapters are active in improving turkey habitat on public lands. The best part? If the habitat if perfect for wild turkeys, its perfect for deer and other wildlife, such as ruffed grouse and quail. Save the Habitat, Save the Hunt, for all of us. Go to